About Infofish

About Infofish

Infofish Australia has been providing data and technology products to the Australian Fishing Industry since 1984. Founded by Bill Sawynok, the business began life supporting the recreational fish tagging program in Queensland and has grown from there. We are the country’s leading operator of BioSonics Inc. scientific echo sounders. BioSonics is a company in Seattle WA, who, for over 30 years have been developing this technology. The DT-X Extreme echo sounder is able to detect and count fish in real time via their Auto Track software package. Infofish Australia has taken the work of BioSonics even further and brings leading edge habitat, fish stocks and behavior assessment to Australia, incorporating advanced data analysis, modelling and machine learning techniques. Habitat and fish targets can be classified, GPS located and size graded (fish only). Surveys are completed using a combination of side-looking and down-looking techniques, depending on the aims of the survey, and can be completed from distances of up to 200m away. In addition, Infofish incorporates side scan imaging to provide the best possible picture of the underwater environment.